Veterans Day 2024 // A Message to my fellow Veterans

My fellow Veterans,

As we've navigated the challenges of service, we know that being an example matters. Right now, our country needs that example more than ever. We're in a time of division, of loud voices and hardened positions. It's tempting to join the fray, to match outrage with outrage. But that's not what we were taught to do. That's not who we are.

We swore an oath to protect and defend this nation, and that doesn't stop when we take off the uniform. The way we live and the way we treat others are our chances to defend this country's best ideals. We can choose to be voices of reason, respect, and civility.

It won't be easy. They’ll be times when it feels like nobody wants to listen, when anger and hatred are drowning out every other voice. But that's exactly when we need to be louder. Not with matching outrage but with the strength of our quiet example.

Treat others with kindness, even when you disagree. Listen, really listen, to where they're coming from. Speak with respect, and don't back down when things get heated. Those are the actions of a leader, and that's what we are.

Our country needs us now more than ever. We must not take sides but take the high road. We must not join the division but be the bridge. That's how we best defend this nation and show what it means to be a Veteran.

So, brothers and sisters, let's step up and show them how it's done. Let's be the example this country is begging for because that's what we swore to do. That's who we are.

Semper Fidelis,

Laurie Sayles

Laurie’s Civility Pledge

I, _______________, firmly believe that all people have the right to be treated with respect, courtesy, and openness. I recognize that our diverse backgrounds and opinions are the foundations of a strong and vibrant community. I commit to upholding the highest standards of civil conduct toward others at all times, striving to engage in constructive dialogue, listen with empathy, and address conflicts with graciousness and understanding.

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